AADT Explorer
Visualize AADT for every road in any county in the United States. Replica's AADT Explorer allows you to analyze AADT by road type, number of lanes, total volume, and freight volume or search for a specific street name. Grab the links you need for a specific study, see summary information in the app, and quickly download the data you need.
Replica provides Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Data and Hourly Auto Volume Profiles, including detailed breakdowns for freight on Functional Road Class (FRC) 1 and 2 roads.
Click here to explore Nationwide AADT on the Interstate Highway System using an interactive map

Replica’s Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) data is updated annually and includes complete US coverage. Replica’s AADT data:
- Covers Functional Road Class (FRC) 1 through 6
- Breaks out single-truck and combination truck volumes on FRC 1 and 2 roadways
- Is produced from data sources that total hundreds of millions of trips each week (an estimated 10% total sample size), and includes both personal vehicles and commercial freight vehicles.
- Is calibrated against network-link volume ground truth
Data is available for download through the Replica application in CSV, Geojson, and Shapefile formats.
The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)'s State of the Commute report is created each year to fulfill a mandate in the TransNet Ordinance. The report aims to evaluate SANDAG system performance, including level of service measurements by roadway segment and time of day, throughput in major travel corridors, and more. The information used as a tool in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) development process.
Replica’s speed and AADT data sets, on local arterial roads, were used in SANDAGs latest 2022 and 2023 State of the Commute Report to analyze non-highway road traffic conditions. Reporting on local road traffic was a new addition to the 2022 report, thanks to data SANDAG was able to access through Replica.

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