Active Transportation Analysis
Create safer, more efficient active transportation networks in your zones of interest. The App equips public agencies with the data and insights needed to plan, improve, and operate biking and walking infrastructure.
With the app, you can:
- Identify priority corridors for new infrastructure by analyzing latent demand via short car trips
- Draw or upload proposed infrastructure projects to estimate usage and the induced mode shift
- Easily quantify success metrics like changes in VMT, CO2e, and Traffic
Questions customers are already answering with the Active Transportation Planner include:
- What areas have the highest concentration of existing bike / ped destinations?
- What areas have the lowest concentration of existing bike / ped destinations?
- What areas pose the greatest risk to bicycle and pedestrians?
- Are there common origin / destination pairs for active mode travel?
- What parts of the network are most utilized by active modes?
- Are specific land uses contributing to increases in active modes?

With the Active Transportation Planner, perform analyses such as:
- Latent Demand Analysis: Identify areas with short car trips and evaluate potential mode shifts based on latent demand.
- Neighborhood and Corridor Prioritization: Discover areas and routes that offer the greatest potential for increased cycling and walking.
- Current Usage Metrics: Understand existing cycling and walking patterns at the neighborhood and corridor level.
- Connectivity Insights: Assess how proposed infrastructure connects with existing networks and critical points of interest such as schools and transit hubs.
- Impact Analysis: Evaluate VMT, CO2e, and traffic implications of proposed infrastructure changes.
- Project Prioritization: Develop and prioritize projects based on comprehensive data analysis.
Broward County in Florida received funding to upgrade thermal bike and pedestrian detection equipment at intersections. To determine the four intersections in greatest need of safety improvements, Broward partnered with Replica. Replica analyzed bike and pedestrian traffic data alongside crash statistics to rank intersections. The analysis factored in trip numbers and crashes to generate a prioritized list for safety upgrades.
The success of the initial pilot spurred Broward County to expand its analysis to assess 1500 more intersections. This data empowered Broward County to allocate resources efficiently, targeting intersections with high traffic and crash rates for maximum safety benefits.

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