Gate OD Analysis
Gain a comprehensive overview of existing conditions for any roadway improvement project. With the Gate Origin-Destination Analysis app, quickly generate OD tables, OD matrices, and map-based flow diagrams. Traffic engineers can visualize vehicle segments between any combination of roadway segments, filter for specific modes of travel or see total link volumes broken down by mode, and export the results to microsimulation software for traffic forecasting.
The Gate Origin-Destination (OD) Analysis Application makes it easy to generate and visualize link-level OD flows. Use this app to set custom entry, middle, and exit links; filter data by mode of travel and time of day; create map-based OD flow visualizations; generate and download OD matrices of flows; and conduct link-to-link, zone-to-link, and zone-to-zone analyses.

The Gate OD application enables users to:
- Set entry, middle, and exist gates surrounding an area to better understand traffic flows. Customize your analysis by saving and renaming gates.
- After setting your gates, the app will immediately generate OD flow map visualizations and OD matrices and tables.
- Filter results by mode of travel (private auto, Taxi/TNC, or commercial vehicles) and by time of day.
GHD utilized Replica data in an origin-destination analysis to support a road closure in San Joaquin County. The county wanted to determine the potential effects on traffic conditions, both short-term and long-term, should the desired road be closed. Replica’s data was used to approximate trip routes and distributions in order to help determine traffic redistribution, and the analysis supported the decision to approve the road closure.

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