In action

AADT Explorer

Average Annual Daily Traffic

Replica provides Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Data and Hourly Auto Volume Profiles, including detailed breakdowns for freight on Functional Road Class (FRC) 1 and 2 roads. Replica’s AADT data is updated annually and includes 99.5% US coverage.

Electric Vehicles
& Vehicle Miles Traveled

Replica provides customers with detailed information on who owns EVs, where they are driving, and why.

Below, we've provided summary statistics on network vehicle-miles traveled per capita, and the breakdown of VMT by EVs and traditional vehicles for the largest counties in the country. For data on your jurisdiction, or to see data all the way down to the network-link level, reach out below.


Use the map below to explore Nationwide AADT on the Interstate Highway System. The map uses roadway width to display total AADT (wider roadways signify higher volumes) and color to display the percentage of volumes that are commercial freight (darker roadways signify a higher percentage of freight travel).


Use the map below to dive into AADT for the Charlotte Metro Area. Like the nationwide version, the map uses roadway width to display total AADT (wider roadways signify higher volumes) and color to display the percentage of volumes that are commercial freight (darker roadways signify a higher percentage of freight travel).

We also added a layer with the median household income of each census tract, where darker tracts have higher median income. It’s clear where freight traffic has the biggest impact on residents’ daily lives.

New Release

Check out the blog to read the 5 things you should know about our latest release.

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