Data Validations
At Replica, we know customers won't feel comfortable using our data until they trust it. And the most direct way to establish that trust is to validate Replica's data against other known or established sources. That's why we work with agencies, partner firms, and researchers across the country to facilitate independent data analyses to assess and validate the fidelity of Replica's own data outputs. Below, we have shared a few examples of this work. If you're interested in completing your own assessment or validation, please reach out here.
Gannett Fleming & FDOT
Who: Gannet Fleming & The Florida Department of Transportation
Where: Hillsborough County, FL
What Replica Data was Validated: Replica Fall '21 Places vehicle trips
What Data was Validated Against: Counts from FDOT from Nov '21
Results: Gannett Fleming & FDOT are exploring using Replica data for FDOT's travel demand model improvements for District 7. After comparing Replica data to counts gathered in this district, both parties feel confident moving forward with Replica data.
Puget Sound Regional Council
Where: Greater Puget Sound Region
What Replica Data was Validated: Telecommuting rates by race/ethnicity and income
What Data was Validated Against: PSRC Household Travel Survey
Results: Broadly speaking, Replica and the travel survey look similar for the telecommuting rates.
Valley Metro, AZ
Who: Valley Metro, AZ & FTA
Where: Valley Metro Region: Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa
What Replica Data was Validated: Replica origin-destination flows by district
What Data was Validated Against: Valley Metro on-board surveys
Results: Replica data matched well with surveys on transit trips by origin districts. Replica performed particularly well in Valley Metro when looking at OD flows.
Metropolitan Council, MN
Who: The Met Council
Where: Twin Cities metro area
What Replica Data was Validated: Replica origin-destination flows by district
What Data was Validated Against: Met Council on-board surveys
Results: Replica data matched well with surveys on transit trips by origin districts.
Atlanta Regional Council, GA
Who: Atlanta Regional Council (ARC)
Where: Atlanta, GA
What Replica Data was Validated: Replica origin-destination flows by district
What Data was Validated Against: Counts from FDOT from Nov '21What Data was Validated Against: Counts from FDOT from Nov '21
Results: Replica data matched well with surveys on transit trips by origin districts.

Boston Region MPO & MassDOT
Who: CTPS & The Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Where: Boston Metro Area, MA
What Replica Data was Validated: Replica 2019 AADT
What Data was Validated Against: 2019 counts from MassDOT and CTPS
Results: Boston Region MPO's CTPS & MassDOT explored using Replica data for Boston MPO's travel demand model improvements for the Boston Metro region. After comparing Replica data to counts from the region, CTPS summarized results by roadway class. The validation turned out favorably with all R-squared values about .95.
Gannett Fleming & FDOT
Who: Gannet Fleming & The Florida Department of Transportation
Where: Hillsborough County, FL
What Replica Data was Validated: Replica Fall '21 Places vehicle trips
What Data was Validated Against: Counts from FDOT from Nov '21
Results: Gannett Fleming & FDOT are exploring using Replica data for FDOT's travel demand model improvements for District 7. After comparing Replica data to counts gathered in this district, both parties feel confident moving forward with Replica data.
Puget Sound Regional Council
Where: Greater Puget Sound Region
What Replica Data was Validated: Telecommuting rates by race/ethnicity and income
What Data was Validated Against: PSRC Household Travel Survey
Results: Broadly speaking, Replica and the travel survey look similar for the telecommuting rates: Learn More.
Valley Metro, AZ
Who: Valley Metro, AZ & FTA
Where: Valley Metro Region: Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa
What Replica Data was Validated: Replica origin-destination flows by district
What Data was Validated Against: Valley Metro on-board surveys
Results: Replica data matched well with surveys on transit trips by origin districts. Replica performed particularly well in Valley Metro when looking at OD flows.
Metropolitan Council, MN
Who: The Met Council
Where: Twin Cities metro area
What Replica Data was Validated: Replica origin-destination flows by district
What Data was Validated Against: Met Council on-board surveys
Results: Replica data matched well with surveys on transit trips by origin districts.
Atlanta Regional Commission, GA
Who: Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC)
Where: Atlanta, GA
What Replica Data was Validated: Replica origin-destination flows by district
What Data was Validated Against: ARC on-board surveys
Results: Replica data matched well with surveys on transit trips by origin districts.
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