Why Replica?
MPOs around the country trust Replica for both planning and modeling.
By incorporating a composite of over two dozen input datasets including big data, and validating outputs against public and 3rd party observed ground truth data, Replica provides the accurate and reliable data MPOs need.
Replica’s platform is a one-stop shop for recent, multimodal, and network-link level trip data, with custom-zonal analysis and traveler demographics. Replica's best in class AADT Data has 100% coverage and breakouts for commercial freight travel.
Top Use Cases
MPOs depend on Replica for:
Model Validation
To support, augment, or replace existing travel demand models
Core transportation metrics
Like AADT, Vehicle Miles Traveled, Hourly Volumes, TMCs, and Speeds
Origin-Destination tables and matrices
With custom geographies, mode and purpose breakdowns, and equity filters
Scenario planning
Including road closures, growth and congestion planning, and land use planning
VMT / Mode shift analyses
To understand where it is most effective to meet local goals around mode shift and VMT
Long Range Transportation Planning
Replica in Action
Model Validation
A number of MPOs around the country use Replica’s data to update their Travel Demand Model base year data and to validate existing models.
For instance, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) used Replica’s network link volumes, speeds, and travel time data in developing an ABM3 for their 2025 Regional Plan and CAMPO used Replica to validate their TDM. They relied on OD flows in the Austin MPO six-county region including sub-areas (~30) and external stations (major roads accessing the region).
Congestion Management Process (CMP)
CMP is one of the core planning processes required of all Metropolitan Planning Organizations with jurisdictions of more than 200,000 people. In the 2023 Update to the Capital Region's CMP, CRTC uses Replica's seasonal and weekly mobility data to explain utilization of the region's multimodal transportation system as well as provide work-from-home estimates.
VMT and Emissions Inventory
CMAP utilized Replica data to build its Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Using Replica’s detailed data enabled CMAP to include each of the 77 Chicago Community Areas and 284 municipalities across northeastern Illinois. These local summaries lend new nuance to the traditional county-level inventories that track the region’s progress toward its climate goals.
Replica data was easily customizable to the geographic breakdowns desired by CMAP.
Learn More?
Contact us to learn how Replica can help bring insights like these to your organization.