Why Replica?
Departments of Transportation around the country trust Replica for best-in-class data and analysis.
By incorporating a composite of over two dozen input datasets including big data, and validating outputs against public and 3rd party observed ground truth data, Replica provides the accurate and reliable data large agencies demand.
Replica’s platform is a one-stop shop for recent, multimodal, and network-link level trip data, with custom-zonal analysis and traveler demographics. Replica's best in class AADT Data has 100% coverage and breakouts for commercial freight travel.
Top Use Cases
DOTs depend on Replica for:
Core transportation metrics
Like AADT, Vehicle Miles Traveled, Hourly Volumes, TMCs, and Speeds
Origin-Destination tables and matrices
With custom geographies, mode and purpose breakdowns, and equity filters
Scenario planning
Including road closures, growth and congestion planning, and land use planning
Equity analyses
With trips, destination, and travel times broken down by income cohort and demographic characteristics
Freight planning
With breakdowns for light and heavy duty trucks, and hourly volumes
EV infrastructure planning
With the ability to study EV ownership and travel patterns
Replica in Action
Highway Improvement Feasibility Study
TxDOT initiated the “I-610 South Feasibility Study” to understand ways to improve safety and connectivity, address aging infrastructure, and make plans for future growth.
The study evaluated existing traffic operational conditions and patterns by using Replica data to conduct a zonal origin-destination and select link analysis. Replica data made it possible to understand how people are actually using the corridor, including trip purposes, work/home locations, and time of day distributions.
EV Charging, Equity, and NEVI Funding
IDOT integrated Replica with Justice40 and US DOE datasets to evaluate existing and planned EV charging stations relative to the travel patterns of lower-income, minority populations.
Through this analysis, IDOT identified corridors with sufficient charging stations, corridors with the highest need for new charging stations, and corridors where the lack of existing infrastructure most impacted Community of Concern residents' ability to get to work. Replica's equity-centric data has allowed IDOT, NYSDOT, and others to inform NEVI, SMART, ATTAIN, and other federal grant applications.
Complete Streets Planning
TN DOT used Replica’s network-link level active transportation data to investigate changes in bicycling and pedestrian activity in Nashville over time.
The study looked at seasonal differences as well as pre- and post-COVID comparisons, to understand the potential return on investment of new infrastructure.
The work ultimately created the justification for a Complete Street Project on Dickerson Pike, demonstrating how it could bolster growing trends, encourage mode shift, and benefit the communities surrounding Dickerson Pike
Learn More?
Contact us to learn how Replica can help bring insights like these to your organization.