Network VMT Calculator
The Network VMT Calculator makes it easy to generate and visualize VMT for any geography in the country.
Quickly obtain Network VMT by trip-taker home location, and get
a ranked list of geos generating the greatest number of miles.

What The Network VMT Calculator Unlocks
The Network VMT Calculator makes it easy to generate and visualize VMT metrics for any geography in the country. Rather than using rough estimates, Replica’s App calculates network VMT by the actual number of miles of each trip driven within the study geo.The app includes:
- Network VMT by road class, home location, mode, purpose, household income, and time of day
- Breakdowns for Total, Internal-Internal, Internal-External, External-Internal, and External-External Trips
- VMT split out by electric vehicles vs. ICE vehicles
- The ability to utilize census geographies or draw custom geographies

After selecting a geo, immediately see a breakdown of Total, II,IE,EI, and EE Trips and what percentage of VMT in each category is driven by electric vehicles.
See a breakdown of VMT by household income, with data outputs and charts for each geography selected.
VMT is broken down for each mode, including private auto, Taxi/TNC, and commercial freight.
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