As we step into 2024, we at Replica want to extend heartfelt thanks to our dedicated community of users. Your trust in Replica for insightful data analysis is greatly appreciated, and we're excited about the future.
Before we wrap 2023, we want to recap the last 12 months at Replica.
- In 2023, thousands of users across hundreds of organizations created 6,620 studies and downloaded data 40,367 times — special recognition to Kimley-Horn, WSP, and HDR for generating the most studies. Caltrans and the MTA led the way for public sector agencies.
- To get the insights needed, the most popular filters and attributes include Trip O/Ds, specific Network Links, Trip Taker Income, Trip Taker Home Location, and Trip Taker Employment Status.
- 1,204 custom geographies were uploaded to the Replica platform for unique analyses. Special recognition goes to Kimley-Horn, AECOM, and Foursquare ITP — the three organizations that uploaded the most custom geos in 2023. Massachusetts DOT led the way for public sector agencies.
- We welcomed more than 2,400 new users to Replica in 2023 and hosted our first two user summits in Kansas City and Santa Monica.

These analyses took advantage of some major new product enhancements:
- Trip breakdowns for electric vehicles, enabling customers to filter specifically for EV trips and to analyze things like EV VMT penetration rates by county.

- New speeds data, our first Nationwide Transit Demand & Equity Score, and new AADT attributes that include breakouts for freight trips.
- Access to future-looking forecasts. Reach out for access to “Standard Growth Scenarios” for 2035 forecasts or to run your own custom scenario.
- Improved interface functionality including new filters, new data attributes, and new transit breakdowns (and new colors!).
It continues to be inspiring to see the range of work and use cases to which our customers have applied Replica data.
- The word cloud below visualizes what stands out among the hundreds of unique use cases we logged this year.

- Specific analyses included an E-Bike Impact Calculator, Using Spend Data to Inform Transit Investments, Sustainable Mobility, Freight Studies in California, and Speed Studies in El Paso to support safe driving.
- Replica data was used to support grant applications totaling hundreds of millions of dollars.
Looking ahead, we’re excited to keep rolling out new features and to continue partnering with the Replica community to deliver best-in-class analysis. Be on the lookout soon for new tools focused on Active Transportation, Safety (in partnership with Michelin Mobility Intelligence), and gate analysis. We’re committed to delivering our customers an even better experience in 2024 and achieving an even greater impact together.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year, and a great start to 2024.