It’s been an exciting first half of 2024 for the Replica Community. Together, we gathered for an in-person NorCal User Summit, met for exciting updates at Replica HQ, attended conferences like TRB’s Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., and connected virtually for webinars and spotlights. These events give us the chance to foster connections between Replica users, gather product feedback, and provide our community with meaningful information to support their projects.
On the product side, we rolled out seven applications (listed below). We released our Fall 2023 seasonal dataset, which offers highly detailed insights on complete travel behavior across the entire country, with data down to the network link level. Up next, we’ll release Spring 2024 data. After that, Replica will release seasonal data 4 times a year. Our drive to consistently provide our customers with high-quality seasonal data has brought us to an exciting new chapter.
Starting with Summer 2024, we will now release our Places data four times a year, giving our customers access to Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall data. Not only will this allow for nuanced analysis of seasonal differences, but each of these releases will include improvements to the underlying pipeline – similar to the way the Fall 2023 release added data for more than 70 additional transit agencies.
With two additional seasons per year for analyses going forward, customers will have access to more recent, richer insights about their communities.
Looking Back
App Recap
This year, we’ve been laser-focused on making applications available to our customers on the Replica Platform. Our apps are designed to make it easier for our customers to extract the “so what” from Replica data, enabling individuals across organizations – not just technical users – to draw insights, visualize data, and share conclusions. Here’s a snapshot of all the apps we’ve released so far in 2024:
- Road Closure Scenario: Road Closure Scenarios allows you to simulate traffic patterns with custom road closures in order to understand the impact on travel behavior and the network. Unlike traditional models, this fully self-service approach enables rapid, efficient, and iterative forecast planning.
- Safe Streets Planner: The Safe Streets Planner combines our detailed multimodal data and driving event data, enabling you to map existing conditions, analyze specific corridors, and generate safety action plans and reports. This application empowers you to identify, prioritize, intervene, and monitor impacts on high conflict corridors in your community.
- Network VMT Calculator: The Network VMT Calculator provides a comprehensive visualization and report on various vehicle miles traveled (VMT) metrics for your region. Use this app to gain insights into VMT across different modes of transportation, resident locations, trip purposes, and household incomes.
- Transit Demand & Equity Scores: The Transit Demand Score answers questions about where demand for service is highest and where it would be most utilized if made available, while Transit Equity Scores answer questions about the existing public transit system and how it serves the portion of the community that utilizes transit the most. Users can utilize this app to answer questions like: How well does my existing network cover the areas of my city with the highest demand?
- AADT Explorer: The AADT Explorer Application provides a dynamic map-based interface, which enables users to visualize annual average daily traffic for any county in the United States.
- Network Speeds Viewer: Powered by our Annual Speeds Dataset, this application visualizes typical speeds in 15-minute increments for each individual day of the week — and compares them against free flow speeds. Replica provides link-level free-flow speeds and link-level quarter-hourly speed profiles annually.
- TMC Explorer: The TMC Explorer application enables you to visualize motor vehicle turning movement counts (TMC) for most signalized intersections around the country.
H1 Highlights
Looking for some inspiration? Check out how some of our customers have used Replica throughout the year with a few featured use cases.
- Using Replica’s Road Closure Scenario Tool to Forecast the Impact of Construction in San Ramon, California
- Using Replica to Study Housing and Climate Policy at the Terner Center for Housing Innovation

Looking Ahead
We’re picking up the pace as we head into the second half of the year. Keep an eye out for the applications coming next, including GeoSnapshot, EventSight, the Emissions Calculator, and the Gate O/D Analysis App. We’ll continue to plan events, both in-person and virtual, that strengthen our users’ understanding of and experience with Replica. And finally, we’ll release even more high-fidelity data to power your workflows.
There’s still so much left to build. As always, thank you for being part of the Replica community. We look forward to the continued partnership with all of our customers and can’t wait to see what we achieve together.
The Replica Team