This past summer, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) evaluated Big Data tools for the purposes of both Travel Forecasting and Model Development. These empirical studies compared data from 3 sources — Replica, Streetlight, and Teralytics — to observed data from both continuous and short-term counting stations. We’re sharing the results below. It is important to note that this is a technical review by MWCOG staff and not an official endorsement.
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MWCOG evaluated 2023 AADT for the Washington DC Metropolitan Area by comparing Big Data to Observed Counts at 31 unique locations across five different functional road classifications (F1 through F5). The AADT evaluation included both Replica and Streetlight.
The resulting presentation described 2023 Replica AADT data “very reasonable” with “good data coverage, covering most roads.” When analyzing across all functional classifications, Replica had a 3% absolute error differential, far smaller than Streetlight’s 11%. Replica also had a smaller absolute error differential across 4 of the 5 individual functional classifications, which is summarized in the table at right.

MWCOG also evaluated Replica VMT by jurisdiction, which they concluded “aligns well with observed data.”